Each school year the Math League gives a High School math competition. The competition consists of 6 separate math contests. Each contest consists of 6 questions given in a 30-minute time period. Score reports are published after each contest for each league. Schools and students compete against each other in each of the leagues. The team score for each school is the sum of the top 5 scores for each school. A perfect team score for a single contest would be 30. The cumulative or total score after each contest is the sum of the team scores for each contest taken to date. The cumulative score for a student is the sum of the students' scores for each of the contests to date. Each report summarizes the following information:
The final score report indicates which schools and students are winners in each league's competition. For awards purposes, each league is divided into regions. Prizes are awarded to the top scoring schools and students in each league, and the top schools in each region. Certificates of merit are also awarded to the top 5 scoring students (for the year) in each school.
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Each school year the Math League gives a 6th, 7th and 8th grade math contest. Each contest consists of 40 multiple-choice questions given in a 30-minute time period. Score reports are published after each contest for each league. Schools and students compete against each other in each of the leagues. The team score for each school is the sum of the top 5 scores for each school. A perfect team score for a single contest would be 200. For awards purposes, schools and students also compete against each other in smaller regional competitions, with each region consisting of nearby counties (States for the Math League Press competition and Provinces in Canada). Each report summarizes the following information:
For awards purposes, each league is divided into regions. Prizes are awarded to the top scoring schools and students in each league, and the top schools in each region. No school may win both a regional award and an overall League award on any one grade level in the same school year. Certificates of merit are also awarded to the top 5 scoring students (for the year) in each school.
If your school needs more Certificates of Merit, send your name,
school, and school mailing address to our mailer at:
Math League Certificates
P.O. Box 17
Tenafly, NJ 07670-0017
Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (two stamps required)
large enough to hold certificates.
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