Frequently Asked Questions

Books and Copying

Math Help


Fees & Billing


Answers to Questions

Books and Copying

May I make copies of pages from your books of past contests to use with my students?

If you have registered for this year's contest, you may duplicate pages from our books for use with your class. If you are not registered for this year's contest, then you may not duplicate pages from the books.

Do the Volume 4 books contain the contests that appeared in previous volumes?

Later book volumes do not contain the contests published in previous contest problem books. You can view a complete listing of the contests published in each volume here.

Math Help

I have a math question. Can I e-mail you for help on my math homework from Math League?

We are happy to answer letters regarding questions that appear on our contests.

You are also welcome to browse our online Help Reference, which contains math reference information, with sample questions and solutions for grades 4-8.

We do not respond to math questions that do not appear on our contests. If you need help with homework or another question, visit "Ask Dr. Math" (K-12 grades only).

Can you mail or e-mail me the solutions for contest xxx?

Sorry, we do not have solutions for our contests in a suitable format for sending by e-mail. Our contest problem books have complete solutions, and can be ordered online. We have more information on our contest problem books and ordering here.


If I order Math Contest 4-8 CD-ROM for Windows, does this CD-ROM contain the current year's contests for those grades?

Math Contests Grades 4-8 contains contests from some previous years, not the current contests.

Where can I get updates to Math League software?

You can check our software updates web page to check availability of the latest software updates, which may be downloaded from this web site.

Fees and Billing

I received an invoice for my order but I haven't received the materials yet. Do I have to pay in advance?

As indicated on your invoice, payment is due upon receipt of all materials ordered. It is not necessary to pay any part of your order until you have received the complete order, although payment is certainly accepted (and welcomed) at the time you receive the invoice.

How much does the High School League cost for the school year?

The cost of entering the High School League for a school year is $75. There are no other fees associated with it.

I didn't order the high school contests but I received a set anyway. Must I pay for these?

Since the first high school contest occurs early in the school year, the League mails a set of contests to any advisor whose school was enrolled in the League last year. If you wish to participate in the League, please complete the registration form that was included with the contest package. The cost of participation is $75. If you do not wish to participate, please discard the materials in a secure manner.


How many contests are in a set?

High school contests come with 6 sets of 30 contest copies each: one set for each of the year's six contests.

All other contests consist of 30 contest copies per set. You may make additional copies of any contest on the day of the contest.

How do I check if my school is registered for contests?

A new contest registration index page has been added for teachers, administrators, and parents to check thier school's registration status. The web page is best viewed with a Javascript-enabled browser. The list is updated frequently. School registration listings will appear about 2 weeks after contest registration is mailed to us; about 1 week for schools using our online registration form.

I received an invoice for my order but I haven't received the materials yet. Do I have to pay in advance?

Payment is due upon receipt of all materials ordered, as indicated on your invoice. It is not necessary to pay any part of your order until you have received the complete order, although payment is certainly accepted (and welcomed) at the time you receive the invoice.

How do I obtain additional Certificates of Merit for my top students?

If your school needs more Certificates of Merit, send your name, school, and school mailing address to our mailer at:

Math League Certificates
P.O. Box 17
Tenafly, NJ 07670-0017

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (two stamps required) large enough to hold certificates.

How much does the High School League cost for the school year?

The cost of entering the High School League for a school year is $75. There are no other fees associated with it.

My school is closed or on a special schedule the day of the contest. May we still participate?

You may reschedule the contest for either the alternate testing date listed or, with the permission of the League, for another date close to the official testing date.

My package for 4th Grade Contests (or 5th Grade or Algebra Course 1) did not include a score report form. How do I report the scores?

Our contests for 4th Grade, 5th Grade, and Algebra Course 1 are intramural contests that do not require the submission of scores to the League. Instead of giving plaques to the top two schools and top two students in the League as we do on all our other contests, we provide each school with a book prize to award to the top student in the school. We also include certificates of merit for other high-scoring students.

One of my best students was absent from school on the day of the contest. May this student take the contest later?

Although you may administer the contest to this student and award this student a certificate of merit if this student is the highest scoring student in your school, you may not submit the student's score to the League. Only students who take the test during the first testing are eligible for official recognition by the League.

I'm scheduled for the 6th, 7th and 8th grade contest. Must all grades take the test at the same time or on the same day? Must all my students take the contest at the same time?

For 4th grade, 5th grade, and Algebra Course 1, students may take the contest whenever it is convenient. You may give the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade contests on different dates. For each of these contests, students whose scores are reported to the League must all take the contest at the same time. If you give the 6th (or 7th or 8th) grade contest at several different times and on several different days, only the scores of the students who were present for the first testing session may be reported to the League.

I didn't order the high school contests but I received a set anyway. Must I pay for these?

Since the first high school contest occurs early in the school year, the League mails a set of contests to any advisor whose school was enrolled in the League last year. If you wish to participate in the League, please complete the registration form that was included with the contest package. The cost of participation is $75. If you do not wish to participate, please discard the materials in a secure manner.

I'm a new high school advisor this year, although my school was in the League last year. I have not yet received my high school package. What should I do?

Your school package was sent in September to last year's advisor. Please check and see if the package can be located. If not, e-mail us at (or call 1-201-568-6328) and we will ship another package immediately.

Some of my 8th grade students are studying algebra (or other high school math classes). Are they permitted to participate in the 8th grade contest?

Any student who has not yet completed the 8th grade may participate in the 8th grade contest, regardless of the math course in which they may be enrolled.

Should my 8th grade students enroll in the Algebra Course 1 contest or the 8th grade contest?

Students who take the algebra course 1 contest may also take any other contest the League sponsors.

I teach a 6th grade student who is doing 7th grade math. In which contest should this student participate?

A student may participate officially in only one of the contests for grades 6, 7, and 8. A 6th grade student taking 7th grade math may participate officially in either the 6th Grade Contest or the 7th Grade Contest, but not both. In this case, the choice of contest is not made by us: it's made by you and/or your student.

We only have 1 or 2 students in our school interested in these contests. May we participate?

There is no minimum number of students required to participate in any of these contests.

Our school wants to participate but we do not want our scores listed. May we participate on an unofficial basis?

Any school may choose to be an unofficial participant in the contests. Unofficial schools receive the same materials as official schools, but are not eligible for plaques. For grades 6, 7, and 8, only high scoring schools and students are listed on the score report summary published by the League. For high schools, the scores of all schools are listed in the score report summary unless a school requests not to be listed.

My child is being home schooled. May my child participate in the contest?

Your child can participate on either an official or an unofficial basis. To participate unofficially, order our contest subscription package for homeschoolers, which will be sent to you in May for testing at home. You can compare your child's unofficial performance on the contest to scores of official participants by viewing the contest results at our Web site. If you want your child to be an official participant, you need to arrange with an accredited local school to order the official contest package, and proctor the contest for your child on the official contest date. All test materials would be mailed to your local school.

E-mail comments and questions to

© 2001-2007 by Mathematics Leagues Inc. 
Last updated March 2007.